Our HR Head Leigh Nichols talks about how giving greater responsibility to all employees is what sets Aize apart. Have a read to find out more!
Many companies these days talk about how they transformed during the pandemic. But Aize can top that. We were formed during the pandemic. ix3 was aqcuired from Aker Solutions and IP from Kværner and emerged around the same time that quarantine and social distancing had become mainstays in our collective vocabulary. Not exactly an ideal time to launch a new company.
“The beanbag chairs had been ordered. The fridge was stocked with smoothies. We had started to slowly welcome some of the eager Aizers into the office this fall, following our official launch in October. Then another lockdown was imposed, and we all went home again,” says Aize’s Head of Human Resources, Leigh Nichols.
It could have been a recipe for an unengaged workforce, who never got the feeling of actually launching something, together. But that’s not what happened.
“I think there is so much excitement about what we are doing and what we are building, that not even a coronavirus lockdown could quell our enthusiasm. While we miss each other, the real engagement in Aize stems from the impact we make through our work,” explains Nichols.
Making an impact is a theme that runs strong in Aize. It’s what they believe differentiates them from the pack. But the kind of impact the company aims for requires the right people behind it, which is why their 2021 plans include doubling their workforce to reach nearly 200 employees before year-end.
“Talent attracts talents, especially in the software business,” adds Nichols. “And our job now is to show those talents what’s possible as part of Aize.”
The year ahead promises to be one of growth for our burgeoning company, and it will require an active recruitment strategy in order to meet their target size. We asked Nichols explain what it is about Aize that makes the difference for today’s applicants.
What surprises young talents about Aize?
Whenever we explain how we work and who we are in Aize, people are always surprised. We give a great deal of responsibility early on. We trust our people to come up with good ideas, solve problems and contribute, no matter their level. In Aize you can be 27 years-old and using your influence to convince the CEO that you have the right answer. As a team, we talk through things, we work together, and we empower people to take on responsibility they may have to wait years to do in other companies.
As an Aizer, what kind of impact can you make?
I see two key things when it comes to impact. The first is the ability to see that what you are doing is useful. Developers are a bit like architects, they want to put in the work and then see the results come to life. Job applicants today tell me that the opportunity to learn, grow and then actually see the fruits of their labor in action is what attracts them to Aize.
The second is the impact we have on the industries we serve. We are part of designing the future of industries such as oil and gas and renewables. For oil and gas, it’s about supporting their digital transformation, helping them operate smarter, more efficiently and more sustainably. It’s an industry that isn’t going to disappear overnight, so we need to help them to meet new and mounting expectations. And it’s about supporting the future of energy, injecting solutions into areas such as wind and solar, as they become increasingly important in our energy mix.
What sets Aize apart from any other software company?
Our people. No doubt. When you are part of Aize, you are part of a team of smart, talented, and down to earth people. People with whom you’d want to hang out, have a beer, or even workout. When job candidates are interviewed, we expose them to as many people as possible. We want them to meet us, see who they’ll be working with, and give them a taste of who we are.
And who is that?
Currently we’re a team of approximately 120 people. Most of our workforce is under the age of 40, and we hail from around 20 different countries. We are currently divided between the offices in Oslo and Aberdeen. And we have some of the most talented people in the business in our ranks, both in terms of technology as well as deep domain expertise.
Finish this sentence: In Aize you’ll spend your day…
Learning, growing, and working alongside some of the most talented people in the business (with some of the best technology available) to make a huge impact on projects that can truly transform essential sectors, such as energy.
Ready to join our teams?

Post written by Trine Bratt Stølsnes
Trine is the Director and Head of Marketing at Aize, where she combines her passion for marketing strategy with the challenge of shaping how digital twin technology transforms the energy industry. With years of experience in B2B marketing, she is dedicated to driving meaningful change through effective marketing and communication.
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