So, let's start with a question: 'What is a digital twin'? To use a Facebook phrase from the 00s – it's complicated.
'”Digital Twin”: It's quite a well-used term. I think it means a lot of different things to different people', says Aize Chief Product Officer Christian Møller.
'If you talk to certain tech people, developers, it means one thing. You talk to more commercial people; it means something else. At Aize, we try not to use that word too often and focus more on the product we're building, which is a tool for heavy-asset operators that streamlines all their industrial data, also those from third-party apps, into a single workspace.'
Quality of data matters
This workspace, however, is, of course, in many ways a digital twin, or based on a digital twin, because it's a data-driven product.
'That means that the better quality of data, the more data you have, the more the twin resembles the asset you own', says Møller.
'And sometime in the future, you could imagine that this virtual product completely represents the asset, you could ask it very complex questions, and it would give you an answer. I don't think the industry is there yet, but that's where I'm hoping we're going to get to', he says.
The digital workspace collects all available information
Working and collaborating on large-scale projects is challenging, especially when thousands of documents and collections of data might be stored in different places. Aize integrates with third-party systems and saves partners the cost and effort of replacing existing investments. Aize wants to harvest all that information and make it accessible.
In its most basic description, Aize is a digital workspace that collects all this information, making it easy to access in the field or your office.
It's designed to help people build and operate complex facilities at scale. And when data is accessible, everyone in the project can benefit from having a digital replica of the facility, documentation at their fingertips, and the ability to collaborate with their partners in real-time.
So you can view your model together and spend less time in meetings or sending emails back and forth. To the energy sector, embracing digital workflows means increased efficiency and reduced cost.
It's never been easier to have complete control in your industry.
Deploying software at a bigger scale
For CPO Christian Møller, the holy grail is that you, through the Aize workspace, could ask this digital twin (if you insist on calling it that) pretty much any question, and you can get a complete description of its behaviour and look into the future.
'I think cloud development is one part of technology that's sometimes downplayed. I've been working in this space for the last decade, and the changes I've seen have just been quite incredible', he says.
'I look at some of these modern tools and methods and deployment; 10-15 years ago, if you were to build the way we build software today, you couldn't do it on a massive scale. It required a huge well-functioning software organisation, while today you can do this with reasonably small organisations.'
'And I think we've only seen the tip of the iceberg of what we can do in the cloud. That's why I'm very excited to see what that's going to look like in ten years.'
Do you have any questions?
We would love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out to us at any time.

Post written by Mads Gudim Burheim
Mads worked as a journalist and project manager in Aller Media and Schibsted for 15 years before joining Aize as Senior Content & Communications manager. He loves writing, travelling and living in Oslo.
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