Aize Blog

A Summer of Data Science – Welcome to Aize Machine Learning Camp

Written by Leigh Nichols | July 6, 2021

Welcome to Aize Machine Learning Camp 2021, a six-week-long coding adventure!

Many students have joined us for the summer to solve industrial challenges by learning and using the latest within data science and artificial intelligence. This will be a great occasion to learn from experienced developers, work with cutting-edge technology, make new connections and enjoy the Norwegian summertime.

We’ve asked some of them what they’re most excited about  – have a read to find out more!

Aize Machine Learning Camp is a six-week summer camp hosted by Aize in collaboration with Cognizant, Itera and Alv. With a lot of preparation and logistics due to local Covid-restrictions, 35 students from all over the world have joined the camp both digitally and in Oslo.

This camp gives the students an opportunity to solve real-life challenges and advance their skills in the machine learning field.

“The participants in AMLC will make use of data science and artificial intelligence to solve industrial challenges.

This camp aims at introducing them to product development and challenge them to increase the functionality of our products”, says Sigmund Mongstad Hope, Senior Vice President Products at Aize and organiser of the camp.

Our summer camp participants are typically finished with their 3rd or 4th year of study within the subjects computer science, data science, physics, mathematics, cybernetics, statistics, engineering, natural sciences or similar.

The students will work under the supervision of skilled instructors in four small teams, each with their own tech lead, working and cooperating like you would in a real development project.

“I’m excited to work together with the students in the next couple of weeks, and I’m sure I will learn as much as them!”, says Nico Vidoni, instructor of the camp who newly joined us from Switzerland.


The four teams will focus on constructability engine, prediction, spooling and image analytics respectively.

  •  Team L-Gamma will help advance the current state of the rule engine by integrating custom rules created by the end-users and visualising resulting violations.

  • Team L-Theta will use machine learning and historical data to predict the duration of construction activities.

  • Team L-Delta will develop algorithms for automatic partitioning of pipelines into prefabricated spools.

  • Team L-Zeta will work on advancing Aize's concept for automatic anomaly detection in visual inspection of drones and subsea drones.

Students will also have the opportunity to attend courses and talks hosted by Gurobi, one of the most powerful mathematical optimisation solvers, and ETH, The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.

At the end of week six, the students will present their insights to the companies’ respective leaderships and show how they have contributed to a more effective and digitalised industry.

"I’m very excited to see how far we get with Constructability Engine at the end of the summer, and it’s always rewarding to see how hard work pays off", says  Johannes Andresen, one of the students of team L-Gamma. 

Aize Machine Learning Camp will hopefully be a great learning experience for these students – and most likely the start of a career in Aize for some of them. But we also want this camp to be an occasion to enjoy the Norwegian summertime and connect with the other students, so socialising both in the office and around Oslo is an integral part of the programme.

“I am thrilled to follow a project with machine learning from start to finish, and to understand the value proposition behind it. I am also excited about spending the summer with the Aize interns – we have a broad variation in terms of backgrounds and competencies, so I’m sure I will learn a lot from them as well!", says Astrid Helsingeng, from team L-Theta. 


We are very excited to welcome all these brilliant minds and wish them the best of luck in the coming six weeks!


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